
Welcome to Notes In My Head. I can sometimes be a deep thinker. Some would say I think too much. This blog is an expression of things that go through my head. I hope people enjoy reading this and get either a laugh or learn something. Feel free to comment. I enjoy the feedback...as long as it's constructive. :-)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

No News is Good News

I consider myself to be up on current events. It wasn’t always this way, and I’m not sure when that changed. I can remember being in my 20s and the last thing I would watch on TV or listen to on the radio was a news broadcast. Maybe it changed with the advent of the “24 Hour News Cycle”, I don’t know.

Yesterday’s big story was the charge of cheating on the Olympic Badminton team. I didn’t even know this was an Olympic sport and for such hell to be raised over them cheating just left me gobsmacked. Apparently they were throwing games to get an easier draw in the finals. I’ve been told that this happens in Soccer quite frequently. In soccer, that makes sense to me, but in badminton? Really?

Then there was the story of needles in the airline sandwiches. Needles! What kind of person does such a thing I wondered? They declared it wasn’t a terrorist act. Really? You don’t say? This is not something that would have entered my mind first off – “Oh, needles in airplane sandwiches, must be terrorists!” Who ever it was that did this was just some sick person. They deemed it to be a “prank”. A prank? Ok, I think it’s a little more serious than a prank but not serious enough to suspect terrorism…just saying.

Then there is the uplifting story of the girl who lifted a car off of her father and gave him CPR and saved his life. The incident happened in the family’s garage. While I’m glad her dad is ok, and impressed that she saved his life, my first question was “How did the car get on top of him in the first place, in the family garage of all places?” But all is well that ends well. The girl still has her daddy though they didn’t mention what kind of shape the car was in.

There seems to always be something going on and none of it is usually very good. There are a lot of days when I just simply don’t watch the news because it seems to all be bad. I have a suggestion. I think once or twice a week, all the news stations, including the 24 hour a day cable ones, should take a day or two and only report good news! Imagine a broadcast filled with only good new stories: A country was saved from famine and poverty, a war was over when negotiations were reached, or better yet, a war was avoided because the parties came to an understanding of each other,  all abandoned dogs and cats were taken in by loving families, a cat saved it’s owners life by dialing 911 and meowing into the phone, a dog pulled someone to safety after the person fell and was hanging on a cliff’s edge, the garbage collectors in New York City picked up all the trash bags in the street and for once the city is sparkling clean, a religious conference was held with all the people in the world of different faiths and everyone decided to just “get along”, all the spammers and hackers in the world were captured and forced to do community services. These are the stories that I would like to hear about.  

I often wonder what it will be like in 200, 500, 1000 years from now, if there are still people on this planet, if they will pull these old news stories and wonder “What were they thinking?” or if they will be impressed with our ability to find some news, somewhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days week, even if most of it was in fact bad. Maybe some executive from some broadcasting company somewhere will read this blog and take my suggestion. A girl can hope can’t she?

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