
Welcome to Notes In My Head. I can sometimes be a deep thinker. Some would say I think too much. This blog is an expression of things that go through my head. I hope people enjoy reading this and get either a laugh or learn something. Feel free to comment. I enjoy the feedback...as long as it's constructive. :-)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Strong People Don't Settle

Strong people don’t compromise. We defy the odds, defeat death, strive for perfection, and are probably way harder on ourselves than anyone else is. We will go through hell and high water to achieve a good outcome, a good result, one that makes us and those around us happy, and confident in the knowledge that their faith in us is not misplaced. We can get the job done. We are strong. We are not built to fail but that doesn’t mean that sometimes we won’t. We don’t want to settle for imperfection, a failed relationship, we tell ourselves, it can be fixed, but sometimes, no matter how strong we are, no matter how hard we try, we have to listen to hearts and accept failure. Sometimes things just cannot be fixed. There are variables we cannot control but that doesn’t mean we just settle.
Sometimes what seems like settling is actually not. It’s actually choosing to move on, defying death, living to fight another day, putting distance between us and the event so we can learn from the mistake and strive for perfection in the next round, and come even closer to our “good result”. It takes strength to move on, to be on your own, and to not settle but it is necessary. It’s what we do, us strong people, it’s how we stay strong. Its how we keep faith to try again with a new person.   
When we follow our heart, move on, and choose not to settle, it’s funny isn’t it, that a huge weight lifts; the sun shines a little brighter; the color comes back into the world again; there is hope, hope that the next time we won’t fail, hope that the next time will be better and for a moment, however brief, we find peace.