
Welcome to Notes In My Head. I can sometimes be a deep thinker. Some would say I think too much. This blog is an expression of things that go through my head. I hope people enjoy reading this and get either a laugh or learn something. Feel free to comment. I enjoy the feedback...as long as it's constructive. :-)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

All About The Bejamins

Politics has always been linked with money but since the Supreme Court issued it’s ruling in April 2014 stating no limitations on Corporate Donations to campaigns, the world of politics has gone crazy. The average politicians spends 75% of his time on the phone or on the road trying to raise money to be re-elected instead of spending 75% of his time doing what he is paid to do, work for the American people. And the Democrats are not innocent in all of this either. Once they have your number it is an almost constant cycle of robo calls and people calling trying to get money. They first ask for a ridiculous amount ($250). When you tell them “I have NO money right now”, they continue to badger you and say “Well, how about $200, how about $150, how about $100” and on it goes until you either hang up or they just thank you for voting.

I’m sorry but I am not giving ANY money to politicians who make a six figure salary and don’t spend most of their time doing the job they are paid that kind of money to do. The annoying calls, the mail box full of flyers and flyers on my door must stop. If this country is to get anywhere, politicians need to spend their time doing their job instead of harassing people for money.

And THIS congress? Well, it is the worst…literally the WORST. It has gotten the least done of any congress in the history of the United States. And that is not an exaggeration, it is actual statistical fact. They couldn’t get a bill passed if it saved their lives, and I mean literally saved their life! One of their own was shot in the head and almost killed and yet they still couldn’t get the flimsiest of gun laws passed. They refused to take up immigration reform. They still have not debated and voted on the air war we are already in in Iraq. It’s ridiculous. It is now almost November and they have had session all of 92 days for the whole year! Nice work if you can get it.

On the republican side they are so busy trying to find fault with this president they have completely lost sight of what is important and what their job is supposed to be. They take every single opportunity and then some to try and find some way to blame the president for everything. They force this belief that everything is the president fault down the throats of the American people through their news outlets like Fox news, and people like Darrell Isa who doesn’t know his ass from his elbow regarding pretty much everything. If you heard the things he said about the Ebola crisis, you would be dumbfounded by how literally ignorant this man is. He can’t get the country of origin right; he kept calling it “Eboli” and he insists that you can catch it on the bus.

And then we have Ran Paul, who claims to be a board certified ophthalmologist but what he isn’t telling you is that the board he is certified by is a board that HE created with his wife and father in-law. He is NOT certified by the board that certifies ALL ophthalmologists in this country, the American Board of Ophthalmology. He is certified by the “National” Board of Ophthalmology…something completely different and actually not recognized as an accredited board. But, he goes out there and says words like “occulum” and tells you that he knows Ebola is air born; listen to him because he is a doctor. This is also the man who when he isn’t lying about Ebola, is giving speeches containing passages that he has stolen directly from Wikipedia, word for word.

And then there’s Louie Gomert, my favorite. His name sounds like someone on Gomer Pile RFD and he sounds like it too. When he opens his mouth, you realize this is just about the most ignorant man that ever walked the earth. In a committee meeting with Eric Holder, he literally accused Mr. Holder of “Casting aspersions on his asparagus”. I’m not kidding…google it. If it wasn’t so sad that this man is part of a ruling body of our government, it would be hilarious.

The Supreme Court is full of idiots as well. They stuck down the Voter rights act saying that racism doesn’t exist in this country any more…huh? Really? I think the President might disagree with that considering he has spent most of his 2 terms being guilty of everything simply because of the color of his skin. They stripped the corporate campaign donations rule which held the politicians somewhat in check. Now, the politicians just pander to whoever gives them the most money. The crazies are running the asylum where the Supreme Court is concerned. I lost faith in them long ago when they gave an election that was clearly won by Al Gore to that buffoon George Bush. It’s sad that the highest court in the land has fallen prey to the political money machine. They are OUR court, the people’s court, not the court of the politicians. But they have lost sight of that fact. While they came a long way with LGBT marriage equality, there are still many states in this country where you can be fired from your job because your are Gay or transgender. You can thank congress for that. They had a chance to fix that and voted against it. But while they’re enacting laws that give gays the right to marry, they are stripping our voting rights, stripping a woman’s right to have a legal safe abortion, and giving politicians the right to take as much money as they can from corporations who are destroying the environment, shipping jobs overseas, selling guns to crazy people, not paying their fair share of income tax, not paying the people that work for them a living wage and discriminating in every way possible against people that work for them.

I understand that no country is perfect. There are flaws in every democratic form of government but when you can’t get the people who are working there to actually do any work, how in the world can you expect to even come close to solving problems. When you have a slew of elected officials who do not abide by the separation of church and state, who think they have a right to tell women in this country what they can and cannot have with regards to their own healthcare, when those same people want to rig elections by gerry-mandering districts so that they always win, when those people want to take away the voting rights of the poor, the elderly and the Blacks and Hispanics simply because they vote democrat for the most part, when those same people are dead set against doing any actual work because they are hell bent on trying to make the President look bad, when they bring God and religion into the halls of congress and use it as a weapon against the people (us) who are paying their six figure saleries….it is a sad day in America.

We the people need to educate ourselves on who these rogues are. We need to get them out of office and put people in there who ARE working for the people and are not just about the benjamins. Ted Cruz, Ran Paul, Louie Gomert, Darrell Isa, and certainly ANYONE who has been indicted on any kind of Federal charge, I don’t care if they have been convicted or not, they have no business representing people in congress. I mean come on. Nor should they be running a state like Governors Rick Perry, Chris Christy, and Bob McDonell. These are men who should never have held office, should never have been elected. People need to be smarter than that. When you elect a criminal to high office you can hardly be surprised when he steals from you.  

Even if you don’t have a computer at your house, take a trip to the library. Look up each candidates voting record. It’s easy to do. Find your state at Congress.gov and see what these people have voted for. Their record speaks volumes about what they stand for and whose pocket they are in. Look up the candidates and see which corporations have contributed the most money to that candidate’s campaign (Followthemoney.org). If you don’t like what you see, DON”T VOTE FOR THEM. If you don’t have anyone else to vote for, write a name in of someone you do think would do a good job in that office. But above all, educate yourself. Know what you’re doing when you go into the voting booth. It is a right and a privilege to vote. Choose your candidate wisely and even If he doesn’t win, you will still feel good about yourself because you voted your conscience and nothing is nobler than that.  

My name is Barbara Buckley and I approved this message.