
Welcome to Notes In My Head. I can sometimes be a deep thinker. Some would say I think too much. This blog is an expression of things that go through my head. I hope people enjoy reading this and get either a laugh or learn something. Feel free to comment. I enjoy the feedback...as long as it's constructive. :-)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It’s the Time of the Season

Since I was a young child I could always tell when fall was arriving. It wasn’t in looking at a calendar that was the signal for me. It was that first color turn of leaves falling to the ground enveloping my world with the smell of musty wet leaves. It was the crisp air filled night sky which seemed to make the stars more visible and plentiful. It was the site of pumpkins every where, on people’s porches, in all the aisles at the grocery store and the site of them piled high at all the roadside farmer’s markets.

In those days my mother had her summer wardrobe and her winter wardrobe and now was the time of year when the switch happened. These days my closet is filled with winter and summer clothes all mixed together and I wear whatever the day and the weather calls for.

While the old signals still hold true for me that fall is coming or has already arrived, today I have new signals. Rosh Hashanna, Yom Kippur, Sukkot. I have my own house now so when the tree in the front yard starts shedding its leaves, I know its time to get the rake out and turn the air conditioner off. I know it’s time to clean the filter in the heating system and mow and weed the front and back yards one last time before winter sets in. Towards the end of October, I know it’s time to bring in the plants that have been outdoors since spring and have grown exponentially while being outside in the direct sunshine and humidity that is so prevalent in the Washington DC area.

Fall is for me a time for the ending of things that don’t work any more and the start of bright new beautiful beginnings. For the last few years, the traumas that I had endured through the year, ended around this time. And this year, well, this year is no different, except for one thing. This year, I know who I am. This year I won’t grieve over those endings like I have in the past. This year, I learned something very important; I learned that I am worthy. This year I learned that I’m a normal woman with the same desires as everyone else, to love and be loved in return and that love takes work, input, face time and open honest communication. I felt the lesson this year that everything really does happen for a reason and that there is a plan underneath it all. We may not know what it is, but its there and it’s set up this way so that we will learn and seek out knowledge, of ourselves, our families, of our creator and of the community we live in.

Love will get us there, on a wing and a prayer. I don’t know where we’re going but I know we’ll get there.