
Welcome to Notes In My Head. I can sometimes be a deep thinker. Some would say I think too much. This blog is an expression of things that go through my head. I hope people enjoy reading this and get either a laugh or learn something. Feel free to comment. I enjoy the feedback...as long as it's constructive. :-)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mother Mother

She was always sick. There was the gall bladder surgery, tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy on her lungs. And drugs; endless amount of drugs. In the 60s and 70s it was Valium. After that it was Zanex, years and years of Zanex; along with a host of other drugs for just about everything you could think of. Along with all of this she drank; Jim Beam, sometimes right from the bottle. Her “nerves”; I heard more about her nerves than I ever did about how she really “felt” about anything. And endless stories of illness and operations she’d had. This was the center of her life; herself and her “nerves”. She was my first mother.

My second mother had bleached blond hair and wore ruby red lipstick. She paid attention to me and I think if I hadn’t been her husband’s daughter, she might have loved me. I know she tried to convince herself and me that she was more of a mother to me than the drugged up alcoholic, and to a certain degree she was right. But she could never get past her jealousy of me. She could never take me fully into her heart and feel about me like she felt about her other two daughters. She just wasn’t capable.

And then there was my third mother, who was actually my first mother. She gave birth to me, held me, then gave me away to strangers she had never met. She lied to the agency about her heritage and set my life on path of a never ending quest to find out who I really am. When she had a chance to right this horrible wrong, not only did she not want it, but she refused to tell me the truth and turned the woman who could have been my true sister against me. For no other reason than she didn’t want her to be close to me. She’s been hiding something for years, something about my real father, and I will probably never know what it is.

Mother’s day is coming in about 6 weeks. Did you know that Mother’s day in England is on a different day than here in the United States? For most people, mother’s day is a day to remember how good their mothers were, to make them breakfast in bed, and celebrate her motherhood.  And for women who are mothers, it’s a day to be pampered by those who love you. For people who have lost their mother’s, it is a time to remember their mother’s life and celebrate the fact that they had them as long as they did.

Mother’s Day was always a hard day and continues to be so even though now, I have a son. I raised him from the time he was twelve and took him into my heart as my own. From the time he came to live with us (he is my Ex-husband’s son actually) Mother’s Day got a little easier. Because instead of thinking about the fact that I had had three mothers, all of them messed up in some serious way, I thought about my son. Looking back, I made some mistakes, I wasn’t perfect, but they don’t give you a manual for these things do they? And because I didn’t get him till he was twelve years old, there was damage already done that I just was not able to undo. But I love him anyway, very much and in my heart he will always be my only son. So though he’s twenty-four now with a son of his own and his father and I are separated, I still think of him on Mother’s Day.

For the past couple of years though, I have also been thinking about my own mothers. They laid down this horrible blue print on my psyche. From years of torment, neglect and abuse I became this woman who lets people into her life without fully examining who they really are. Once my brain decides I want them in my life, it shuts off the part that recognizes the alcoholic, the man who uses people because he is alone and isolated in a remote part of the world, the habitual liar who lied when I knew him TWENTY FIVE years ago and never changed, and the man who was completely unavailable to me and yet called all the time.  It pretty much did me in and even though it’s been months, I’m still trying to come to grips with that one.

I let these men into my life before I fully realized what I was dealing with. I pushed down all the red flags and ignored what was right in front of my face. And now, now that I know this blue print exists thanks to my ever dedicated therapist who saw me for over a year and helped me understand what was actually happening in my brain and why? Now, I can’t let anyone in. I can now see the normal man, the man who loves his children, the man I’ve known since I was in my twenties who tells me he loves me, the man who texts me every day with something nice and has been there for me through thick and thin for the last five years. There are lots of normal men, and women as well that I could let into my life in order to not be alone. But I think at this point, I want to be alone. I don’t want the responsibility of being involved with people. I’m scared. I don’t want the heartbreak, the drama, the roller coaster ride.

I’ve had people who have read my blog ask me why I bare my soul in this public setting. I do it because I am compelled to write. I do it in the hopes that something I write will strike a chord with someone else who is maybe going through or has gone through similar things. I do it because sometimes it helps to know that there are others like you in world. I believe for the most part, most people have had good experiences with their mothers but not all of us have. And so I write for those of us who haven’t. I write for those who never knew the security and warmth of a mother’s love and nurturing. I write to let others know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Even though I actually may not be able to see it at the moment, I know it’s there. And I’m just praying like hell that light is not the light from an oncoming train. 


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Trials and Tribulations

I have been fascinated, possibly in a morbid way, by the Jodi Arias vs State of Arizona trial. For those of you living under a rock for the last month, Jodi Arias (a Mormon) killed her lover and former boyfriend, by stabbing him 29 times, shooting him in the face and slitting his throat just about decapitating him. She then drug his body into the shower and left him there naked and bleeding to die. She is on trial now for the murder and the prosecutor in Arizona is going for the death penalty. If convicted and if she gets the death penalty, she will be the thirteenth woman put to death in the United States since 1976, the most recent one being Teresa Lewis, whose sentence was carried out in 2010 in the state of Virginia. 

Eva Dugan was the first and the last woman executed in the state of Arizona in 1930 and was the cause for Arizona changing it’s method of execution from hanging to the gas chamber. This was due to the fact that when Eva was hung, the snap of the rope decapitated her and her head rolled to a stop at the feet of unsuspecting spectators. This grisly scene caused five people, two of them women, to faint. Present day Arizona uses lethal injection as it’s method of execution. 

I am for the death penalty in cases of serial killers and mass murderers when there is irrefutable proof that they committed the crimes they are accused of. I am not for it in any other cases because our justice system is not perfect and people are wrongly convicted all the time.

For all it’s worth, I feel so sorry that Travis died the way he did. I feel bad for his family No matter what he did he did not deserve what happened to him. But he is gone now and not only can not defend himself but the woman who readily admits to killing him is on trial for her life so she is saying things now that may possibly ring true with not just members of the jury but in the court of public opinion. I know that some of things she has described have at times given me great pause for thought. There are many parts of her story whether true or not that I personally can relate to.

Jodi claims that she was so in love with Travis that she did not know any other way to be. She claims she loved him so much that even though she knew he was a pedophile, she had not only a desire to please him but also to protect him and his reputation. She claims that the “beautiful parts” of him, over whelmed the “bad parts” and that she was trying to encourage him to get help for his “issues”. She claims that he got progressively violent with her after she discovered that he had an attraction to young boys. She claims that she loved him so much that even after breaking up with him and moving away, she still participated in a sexual relationship with him because she believed that if he continued to have sex with her, it would abate his attraction to children. She talks of being elated and on a “high” when he would call her and be nice to her, that this made her want to please him, even in ways she was not comfortable with. She talks of struggling to end it with him, to move on and find someone new but that he had this invisible hold on her. 

 Travis and Jodi’s relationship had a religious component as well. Travis was a devout Mormon and at some point in their relationship, Jodi converted to Mormonism and Travis was the one who actually baptized her. They had religious and philosophical discussions and as Jodi puts it, they had a “meeting of the minds”. This caused the sexual attraction to become even more intense according to Jodi.  

Jodi lied…a lot…to a lot of people before finally confessing that she killed him. There are many things that she has said since then that calls into question her honesty. For example: Travis being a pedophile. Anyone in IT knows that forensic labs now can pull anything off a computer or memory card/stick even if it has been deleted. There was no evidence on Travis’ computer, cell phone or any of his electronics or any disks that gave evidence that Travis had visited, or downloaded or had been viewing ANY kind of pornography, let alone child pornography. Also, there is no evidence what so ever of Travis and Jodi having a volatile violent relationship. She mentions a number of incidents where physical violence was involved and yet, there are no police reports, no pictures of injuries, no reports from roommates of anything they overheard, no reports from either Jodi or Travis’ friends that this violence was going on.

If what Jodi went through is true, I can relate and I feel sorry for her but there isn’t any circumstance I can think of where she had to kill Travis, particularly in the manner that she did. She lived a thousand miles away, she could have blocked his number, she could have at any point given up and walked away. Having been in an abusive, manipulative and controlling relationship on a couple of occasions myself, I know that there comes a time when you just have to throw your hands in the air and just give up. When a guy is an asshole, he is an asshole, and you are not going to change him. No matter how many good qualities he may have, there is always a line and once that line is crossed, if only for your own sanity, you walk away. She knew I wasn’t going to work. After she moved away she should have never spoken to him again. 

I fear now that Jodi Arias will in fact become that thirteenth woman, put to death in the state of Arizona. An infamous distinction and one I’m sure she did not think about as she was stabbing Travis, cutting his throat from ear to ear and then shooting him in the face, leaving him to die in the shower naked and alone. For what ever his faults were, his life had a very hard beginning. He had managed to overcome and make something of himself. And considering all he had accomplished, his ending was not deserved. Executing Jodi will not bring him back. It may bring some closure to his family but it will serve no purpose now to execute her. In my mind a better punishment for her would be to live a long life locked up with only the thoughts of what she did to Travis to occupy her time. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Good vs Evil – The Classic Struggle

As people in this big complicated world, we see so much bad; so many souls filled with hatred, violence, and evil. We can’t help but see them. Sometimes they hunt us down; chasing us until we have to confront them. Over time, they can become all that we see.

As with all evil though, some good will always come from it. It can bring us together with some of the most generous, kind-hearted and honorable people we could ever hope to meet. It can fill hearts with a love so strong that it will endure forever and create unbreakable bonds that will last even in the face of life’s most difficult challenges.

Some times the good comes when we least expect it and need it most. If we are lucky enough to notice it, set our eyes upon it and appreciate it, it can almost make us forget all the bad; the evil ones that have used, manipulated and hurt us and then left us for dead. The truth is, truly evil people are the ones who are dead; dead on the inside and incapable of knowing or feeling what they’ve done to another; particularly to a tender-hearted, good and generous person. The only concept evil people can appreciate is one that gets them their way, anything else is non-negotiable.

Today is life. The only life we’re sure of. Make the most of today. Words of wisdom passed on by an innocent, tender, kind hearted soul whose life has been marred forever by an unkind, evil, and manipulative person. These are words I say every day now; words that will stay with me forever as I travel this big complicated world and work to change the course of my life forever.